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Select an item ($)

Vendor space assignment will take place 􀁞􀄂􀆚􀆵􀆌Saturday July 14, 2024 from 7:00 am - 10:00 am and will be arranged on a first come first serve basis.  All vendors must bring own tables, chairs, equipment and lighting.   Must stay within boundaries of 10 x 10 space NO EXCEPTIONS.  If you are a Food Vendor or your tent is larger than 10 x 10 you will have to pay the double space fee.  Food Trucks that are larger than 10 x 10 will pay double rate. 

Please have tablecloth long enough to cover front and side tables so no storage is
exposed. Vendor is responsible for maintaining their tables, tents and surrounding area free of garbage.  


Garbage is to be stored in heavy duty trash bags and removed at the end of each evening. NO GREASE OR OIL ARE TO BE DISPOSED OF AT FESTIVAL SITE.  All food vendors must provide their OWN cleaning water for handwashing.  Vendors will not be allowed to set up unless they have water / 2 - 3 (5 Gallon) water for handwashing.   


Vendors must provide their own receptacles for oil/grease removal. The City of Waterbury Board of Health and the City of Waterbury Department of Public Works 􀀒􀅝􀆚􀇇􀀃􀅽􀄨􀀃􀁴􀄂􀆚􀄞􀆌􀄏􀆵􀆌􀇇􀀃will be onsite to issue immediate fines for any improper disposal of oil/grease.  

Food Vendors must provide menus that include pricing any pricing changes or price gouging or profiteering that diveate from the menu submitted they will not be able to complete set up and/or sell at our festival. 


ALL FOOD VENDORS MUST BEWITHIN 􀀒􀀯􀁤􀁺􀀃􀁋􀀦􀀃􀁴􀀄􀁤􀀜􀁚􀀑􀁨􀁚􀁺 HEALTH CODE GUIDELINES AND MUST HAVE A FUNCTIONING FIRE EXTINGUISHER ONSITE. The undersigned vendor hereby applies for space at the 􀀧􀆌􀄞􀄂􀆚􀄞􀆌􀀃􀁴􀄂􀆚􀄞􀆌􀄏􀆵􀆌􀇇􀀃􀁗􀄂􀆌􀄂􀄚􀄞􀀃􀎘􀀃􀀦􀄞􀆐􀆚􀅝􀇀􀄂􀅯􀀃􀀒􀅽􀅵􀅵􀅝􀆚􀆚􀄞􀎖􀆐􀀃􀎗􀀑􀅽􀆌􀅝􀀃􀀦􀄞􀆐􀆚􀍕􀎗􀀃and encloses the appropriate fee.


Vendor hereby agrees to waive all claims against the 􀀧􀆌􀄞􀄂􀆚􀄞􀆌􀀃􀁴􀄂􀆚􀄞􀆌􀄏􀆵􀆌􀇇􀀃􀁗􀆵􀄞􀆌􀆚􀅽Greater Waterbury Puerto Rican Day Parade & Festival 􀀃staff, the Afro Caribbean Cultural Center, City of Waterbury􀁴􀄂􀆚􀄞􀆌􀄏􀆵􀆌􀇇, DJ Richie Rich, any promoters, sponsors and their respective employees for loss or damage to personal property or objects displayed and for any personal injury to the vendor or the staff.


Vendor agrees to Pay all fees in advance. Payable to: Greater Waterbury Puerto Rican Day Parade & Festival􀁴􀄂􀆚􀄞􀆌􀄏􀆵􀆌􀇇􀀃􀁗􀁚􀀃􀁗􀄂􀆌􀄂􀄚􀄞􀀃􀎘􀀃􀀦􀄞􀆐􀆚􀍕􀀃􀏱􀏬􀀃􀁴􀄂􀄐􀅽􀅶􀄂􀀃􀀄􀇀􀄞􀍕􀀃􀁴􀁤􀀑􀁺􀀃􀏬􀏲􀏳􀏬􀏱. ALL FEES ARE NON REFUNDABLE! 

Thank you for Submitting - Food Vendors must recieve additional confirmation.

This form no longer accepts submissions.


Final Step Download & Complete Temporary Food Permit Form and Submit to with a copy of Serve Safe Certification.   ((Note Application is not considered complete until City of Waterbury Department of Health approves Temporary Food Permit.  No additional costs necessary.) 

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